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I'm doing a Day Without Speech to raise funds for OIC!
Why I started OIC Cambodia
In 2013, I met a child named Ling. He was 10 years old at the time, and had cerebral palsy - brain damage around the time of birth. A bright boy with an infectious smile, he also slurred his words when he spoke. Most of the people in his community assumed he was stupid. He is the kind of child who, without the support needed, would never to go to school and receive an education.
Ling could be a contributing member of society if he had been born in a country with speech therapists. And yet, there were children all over Cambodia who were like Ling, not getting the therapy they needed.
The entire country of Cambodia does not have one single Cambodian speech therapist. This means that there is no university course, no government policy, and virtually no awareness. Worryingly, nothing was being done about this issue.
People with communication disorders can't participate at school or in the community, let alone with their families and friends. Those with swallowing disorders face an equally uncertain future. Instead of going into the stomach, food and liquid can go into the lungs, and they were 13 times more likely to die young due to pneumonia.
In most countries, swallowing disorders are a bigger killer than cancer.
With one in 25 people needing speech therapy, I had no option but to act. I founded OIC Cambodia so that each of these people could get the help they need to communicate with those around them, and lead full and happy lives.
Why this affects us all
One of the ongoing challenges we face is a lack of awareness about this need. The big organisations with the most resources - they don't really know why this is such an urgent issue.
This means that our work is only possible through the generosity of individuals. People who understand how important communication is in every single activity you do in the day.
How you can help
I'm doing a Day Without Speech on the 19th of October for 24 hours to raise awareness about the children in Cambodia with communication and swallowing disabilities.
Instead of speaking, I'll communicate through other methods, such as hand gestures, facial expressions, writing or the use of technology.
As a bonus, I'll be off social media, Whatsapp, text messages for the whole time (I may die as a result)!
Funds raised by my Day Without Speech challenge will go towards including children with communication disabilities better in the classroom and create a university program to train Cambodians to be speech therapists.
With your support, children and families will receive the right support to communicate with each other and others.
Won't you join me?
Please note all donations are in Australian Dollars and are tax deductible in Australia.
I'm doing a Day Without Speech to raise funds for OIC!
OIC Cambodia (Education) (Global Development Group – J703N)
OIC Cambodia (Education) is a Global Development Group approved aid and development project (J703N) which aims to address the gap in health services in Cambodia for more than 600,000 people with a communication or swallowing disability.
Communicating with others is at the heart of being human and helping people communicate is at the heart of what we do. We are working towards a Cambodia where each of these people receives the speech therapy services they need to communicate with those around them, and lead full and happy lives.
We have two significant goals to addressing the speech therapy needs in Cambodia:
- To train teachers in speech therapy-based inclusive education to better include children with communication disabilities into schools. This project will benefit 180 teachers and 5,400 children with communication disabilities across six provinces in Cambodia.
- To graduate the first generation of Cambodian speech therapists from a Cambodian university.
OIC Cambodia is proud to be a partner for Project J703N OIC Cambodia (Education) with Global Development Group (ABN: 57 102 400 993), an Australian DFAT approved Non-Government Organisation.
Gifts over $2 with a preference for this approved development project are tax deductible, receipts issued by Go Fundraise on behalf of GDG. Excess funds may be directed to another approved activity. Please note, no non-development (evangelistic, political or welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by, GDG projects. For more information please visit